Why choose Skinbreeze

Skinbreeze is backed by a team that has over 30 years experience in supplying specialist beauty treatment equipment, giving you the peace of mind and confidence in knowing that you are dealing with industry experts. The Skinbreeze is a multifunctional system that provides a range of treatment options that will appeal to clients of all ages. The system’s impressive results driven treatments will enable you to command much higher revenues than can be achieved with traditional pampering beauty treatments.

A dedicated skincare range has been designed to enhance the effectiveness of Skinbreeze treatments and bto provide you with additional on going retail revenue by offering your clients carefully formulated products to meet their personal skincare needs.

Utilising the latest technological advancements, Skinbreeze will enable you to attract new clients, increase your profits and stay ahead of the competition.


Skinbreeze is backed by a team that has over 30 years experience in supplying specialist beauty treatment equipment, giving you the peace of mind and confidence in knowing that you are dealing with industry experts. The Skinbreeze is a multifunctional system that provides a range of treatment options that will appeal to clients of all ages. The system’s impressive results driven treatments will enable you to command much higher revenues than can be achieved with traditional pampering beauty treatments.

A dedicated skincare range has been designed to enhance the effectiveness of Skinbreeze treatments and to provide you with additional on going retail revenue by offering your clients carefully formulated products to meet their personal skincare needs.

Utilising the latest technological advancements, Skinbreeze will enable you to attract new clients, increase your profits and stay ahead of the competition.

The Skinbreeze system features a large interactive colour touch screen. The user friendly interface has the option to display on-screen face maps, offering helpful assistance to guide the therapist through Skinbreeze treatment procedures.

When you buy a Skinbreeze system you buy more than just a treatment machine, you become part of a winning team and share in the success of the Skinbreeze brand name. A Skinbreeze system will attract new clients, drive treatment revenues and help your business to grow. We also help to support your business by providing a wide range of promotional and marketing materials including a marketing guide with tips on how to promote your business, posters, treatment brochures, window stickers as well as a variety of downloadable online resources.

We have a dedicated team of business consultants to advise and help your business to succeed.


Share in the success of the Skinbreeze brand name and increase your revenue. Offering Skinbreeze treatments within your business will enable you to attract new clients, increase client retention and significantly boost your treatment revenues.

Click to enquire about becoming a Skinbreeze provider

View the Skinbreeze Brochure flipbook below

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Centennial Park,
Elstree, Herts, WD6 3FG, UK
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